You can utilize several objects exploring from the road barriers to weapons. It also changes environmental features such as wind and gravity. In addition, It allowing you to operate, place & manipulate objects & vehicles on the level. You can explore & experiment with levels in free roam. Also, competes in the contest against the opponents at the best time. In time trials, you select a vehicle, a route, a level. Where campaigns are accumulations of small summaries on specific themes. In addition, it includes few scenarios like campaigns and time trial mode. The game BeamNG.drive features several gameplay modes. This allows players for exporting vehicles manufactured within Automation as completely driveable transports in BeamNG.drive. After that, they revealing the extension of an exporter feature. On 15th June 2018, it was announced by BeamNG about a connection with Camshaft Software. Known as Greenlight on 12th February 2014. This game was placed poll for an open vote on the platform Steam. Also, leading the development to be rotated over to Torque 3D.

But its usage in a driving play uncovered numerous bugs.

Originally, the BeamNG drive game was to be focused on CryEngine 3. Which is from the open-source application with a new product. Some Rigs of Rod’s game developers gathered for improving it simultaneously.